Prayer Against CERN, Portals, Extradimensional Entities & Demons
CERN / Portals / Demons / Fallen Angel Tech
Listen and come into agreement with the prayer ^
Read and declare out loud below:
Abba Yahuah today I come before your throne in prayer and petition, to ask you to assist me in coming against CERN. I pray in faith that together we can close all of these portals, and coming against all that the CERN technology has done.
I pray that healing deliverance and revelation would be administered to all people who you have a plan for, all who can be brought to repentance and switch sides of this spiritual war. I pray that you provide me, and all who this pray will effect, with as many angels as possible to help this come to fruition according to your will.
I pray that all the CERN technology and all the portals and openings that have been forced open would be closed off and totally hindered from allowing demonic and extradimensional entities from coming into our world.
I pray that you put a divine lock on all that this evil technology has done, and I pray that you seal all of their entry points, portals, openings, rips, and gateways that they have torn into the fabric of our reality.
I pray that you do the impossible and put a huge dent into these demonic assignments, may all who are involved in these assignments be woken up to the truth and shown who they are truly up against.
I pray that these portals would be broken, and that all demonic and extradimensional entities that have breached the barriers of our reality, i bind them all and ask you to escort them to the pit or to Yahusha's feet for judgement, and i pray that all technology within people that is being used as a window for these entities to enter into them would also have a divine lock on them no longer being able to infiltrate the bodies of any ‘transhumans’ or anyone else for that matter.
I pray that you reverse the damage that has been done and prevent all of these demons and entities from having a window to enter into our reality. I pray that you adapt this prayer to be according to your Will and according to the adversity at hand, because I only can describe these things through my limited understanding.
I come against all of these portals, entities, and assignments in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach by His authority in me and by the Power of the Ruach HaKodesh in me and I break their assignments, i bind it all to a halt and I ask you Abba to release warring angels, ministering angels, warrior arch angels and angels from Michael's camp to begin to battle against them, if this hasn't already begun to take place,
I ask that you assign angels to everyone who is being infiltrated by these demons who have crept in through these rips and portals and command these demons to flee from those who are being overtaken by them, and I pray for total deliverance for all who are being used as vessels knowingly or unknowingly.
I pray that you seal these portals Abba and reverse all of their plans in such a way that the enemies would have to face the fact that You are in control and that You cannot lose. May all of the devices of the crafty be stifled and rendered null and void as it says in;
Job 5:12-13 He frustrates the devices of the crafty, So that their hands cannot carry out their plans. He catches the wise in their own craftiness, And the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them.
Abba I pray all of this in accord with these 2 verses, may all of their devices, literal devices and figurative devices, utterly fail and yield no success, I pray that your purpose for all of this come to fruition swiftly and I pray that It been seen by as many as possible so that they can marvel in amazement at how glorious and mighty that you truly are.
I pray that all of these demonic assignments would completely fail, I pray that all of their progress be completely undone as to be a slap in the face to the adversary, may all scientists and researchers involved who are unaware of what is truly happening be visited by you and may you reveal to them visions and truth to quickly wake them up, I pray that this truth give birth to a wave of whistleblowers and things of that nature.
Abba I come against all CERN technology now in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, all of it is bound to a halt and I loose peace, joy, healing, deliverance and I pray that you loose groups of angels to cater to the needs of all people who haven't yet woken up who are being negatively affected by the result of this CERN technology (And any of these demonic agendas, for that matter).
May full disclosure be revealed to those who need it most and may you forgive and nurture them back into the person you intended them to be.
I pray for all of the lost who are actively involved in these assignments who still have the potential to be saved, I pray against all of their assignments, portals, research, technology and demonic activity in accord with;
Psalm 83:13-14, where it states: O Yahuah, make them like the whirling dust, Like chaff before the wind! As the fire burns the woods, and as the flame sets the mountains on fire, So persue them with your tempest, and frighten them with Your storm. Fill their faces with shame, That they may seek Your name, O Yahuah. Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; Yes, let them be put to shame and perish, That they may know that You, whose name alone is Yahuah, Are The Most High over all of the earth.
Abba I just thank you for listening and for conforming this prayer to your will, whatever might be inaccurate I ask that you right all of my wrongs, whatever might not be in full accord with your will I ask you to omit or modify it through the Set Apart Spirit who is always interceding for us, and I ask the Ruach HaKodesh to convert this prayer into the perfect utterance in Spirit as to be free of any fleshly errors, incorrect assessments, or anything of the like.
I just am trying my best to do my part and come against these atrocious happenings on earth because I would rather come against it than to assume i cannot do anything about it.
I pray for a miracle and for divine intervention for the state of our world Abba, may you shine your miraculous light on all of this darkness and cause all to see your marvelous works, I pray that many people be saved and awakened, as i know time is running out.
May all scientists, researchers, doctors and others involved in these atrocious nefarious happenings on this earth be woken up and given a clear warning and a clear vision of what the results are for choosing career over your objective morality, I pray that many whistleblowers rise and begin to help those around them come to the truth of the actual agendas going on regarding all of these happenings.
All demons that infiltrated through these technologies, portals and rips that were torn into the fabric of reality, I pray that they all be bound by the authority of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach and by the power of the Ruach, and I pray that they all be sent to either the pit or to Yahusha's feet for judgement, I ask you Abba to please assign as many warrior arch angels and warring angels on this assignment to escort these wicked spirits to place of their judgement. I thank you for all that you will do with this prayer Abba, you are amazing and you make it all worth it.
I thank you for all the portals that you have closed, and demons that you have sent to their judgement, and I seal this prayer in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach by the power of His Authority, by the Ruach HaKodesh by the Logos, the Word of Yahuah's testimony, by the word of my testimony and by Yahusha's finished work and shed blood. This prayer is sealed. Ahmein so be it and so it is.
May you all be blessed.