Prayer for Targeted Individuals, also to heal deterioration of health, swelling, poisoning, radiation and all things caused by technology, chemicals, slow-kill/silent dagger, nano, torture programs.
HalleluYah. Oh Yahuah of Hosts, praise You for Your healing waters flowing over us. Thank you Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Yahusha Ha’Mashiach for Your perfect sacrifice washing us into Our Father’s throne room. We receive You, Holy Spirit and we thank You, Perfect Trinity for Your endless agape.
I receive this healing and protection in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and return to my precious and warrior brother sevenfold, and to all those being quietly drawn to Our Beloved Maker. Praise You Abba Yah!!
where as many TIs aren't even believers. You can read in the book of Psalms and see that King David was going through gangstalking (it's an ancient program of persecution that has changed names over the centuries) actually it began in the garden with the serpent, same tactics, nothing new under the sun...
i will share some info below but you can find much more on that targeted4jesus website ^
Gang Stalking is Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Most people think of Satanic ritual abuse (also known as Organized Abuse) as consisting of all of the emotional, physical, and sexually abusive acts that take place during Satanic worship and rituals. But Gang Stalking is a little known form of SRA that, rather than Satanists and their children themselves being the victims, involves the ritualistic abuse of innocent people who have no involvement with their cult or the occult. Within Freemasonry—the premiere Satanic front that calls its witch covens “lodges”—the Gang Stalking of a Targeted Individual is, with sadistic facetiousness, referred to as the “White Glove Treatment”, and, more sinisterly, the “Silent Dagger”.
Gangstalkers employ Satanic mockery and demonic mimicry; Satanists mock you with peripheral hand signs, double-speak, and subtle implications, while an interplay between their mind programming and the dark power of the demons that possess them aid them in learning and mimicking your unique idiosyncrasies.
Since I was a child Familiar Spirits (and Monitoring Spirits) have been bothering me in my dreams and collecting data on my in the Spirit, even to this day I experience them and have to come against them each morning. So it's clear, to me, that they have been monitoring me for my whole life, I only see the evidence but don't necessarily understand the purpose fully.
you have been sharpened to precision by your worst enemies. And not just as a rebel without a cause: your birth and life and destiny were no accident; haven't you always had a strange, inexplicable, yet unmistakable sense of some great purpose, yet didn't know what it was?
just as they were sent by their false god to torment you, you were sent by a God, too, the One True God, the Creator of the Cosmos: you are a spiritual warrior sent by YHVH, and whether you perceived it or not, you've been intuitively fighting spiritual warfare ever since YHVH
removed the scales from your eyes and you realized that you were being Gangstalked.
You are harassed and surveilled day and night by initiates of secret societies and fraternal orders, such as Freemasons, Elks, Fraternal Order of Police, Shriners, Knights of Columbus, Ku-Klux-Klan, etc., and the sororal societies for females of their bloodlines, such as Daughters of the Eastern Star, and the spouses and children of the initiated. (You can see it kind of like, the "Body of Lucifer" battling against the "Body of Christ" we are, in fact, watching the counterfeit rise of the "lucifer-race", though all of them have adapted satan's psychosis so all of them are truly convinced that satan is going to win - the father of lies lies to himself the most, and believes his own lies, which is why he is so convincing to his minions, pure arrogance)
What's important to realize is that the Gang Stalking program is ancient. "MK Ultra" was "inspired by" The Egyptian Book of the Dead, written by Horus, son of Ra (Satan), outlines the ancient formula for an "undetectable mind-controlled slave", a "how-to" for Gang Stalkers. It is from this ancient Satanic Egyptian text that Freemasons derive their Gang Stalking methods, which they call the "Silent Dagger" or the "White Glove Treatment". It describes rituals that involve methods of torture, harassment, and intimidation to create trauma, the use of potions, and the casting of spells, ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the victim.
One ritual that would become the prototype for MKUltra's Project Monarch was called a rebirth ceremony, and involved a victim that was buried alive with a corpse and exhumed once the victim used up the limited oxygen. Upon exhumation, the victim was promptly "resurrected" (medically resuscitated). Also described is the method of sorcery by which a Satanic Gang Stalker (Freemason) is ritualistically possessed by a demon.
The sad part is now-a-days all they need is technology and uninformed consent to mind control most people, so it's not these gangstalkers are aware of how enslaved or bamboozled they are. In fact they are under heavier mind control than the TIs are, TIs seem to be the most resistant to the "broadcasting" mind control than the rest of the world, so we get personalized psyops against us.
It is all biblical, the very nature of reality is biblical.
Solomon, founder of Freemasonry, was corrupted by his foreign wives. His first wife was the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, through whom Solomon learned of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
TIs have ancient text at our disposal too, an ancient book that frees us Spiritually from The Program: the Bible. Believe it or not, the Holy Scriptures were written more with Targeted Individuals in mind than non-Targets, and the authors were Targeted Individuals, too.
HalleluYah. Oh Yahuah of Hosts, praise You for Your healing waters flowing over us. Thank you Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Yahusha Ha’Mashiach for Your perfect sacrifice washing us into Our Father’s throne room. We receive You, Holy Spirit and we thank You, Perfect Trinity for Your endless agape.
I receive this healing and protection in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and return to my precious and warrior brother sevenfold, and to all those being quietly drawn to Our Beloved Maker. Praise You Abba Yah!!
check out she breaks it down pretty well.
there is alot to it.
where as many TIs aren't even believers. You can read in the book of Psalms and see that King David was going through gangstalking (it's an ancient program of persecution that has changed names over the centuries) actually it began in the garden with the serpent, same tactics, nothing new under the sun...
i will share some info below but you can find much more on that targeted4jesus website ^
Gang Stalking is Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Most people think of Satanic ritual abuse (also known as Organized Abuse) as consisting of all of the emotional, physical, and sexually abusive acts that take place during Satanic worship and rituals. But Gang Stalking is a little known form of SRA that, rather than Satanists and their children themselves being the victims, involves the ritualistic abuse of innocent people who have no involvement with their cult or the occult. Within Freemasonry—the premiere Satanic front that calls its witch covens “lodges”—the Gang Stalking of a Targeted Individual is, with sadistic facetiousness, referred to as the “White Glove Treatment”, and, more sinisterly, the “Silent Dagger”.
Gangstalkers employ Satanic mockery and demonic mimicry; Satanists mock you with peripheral hand signs, double-speak, and subtle implications, while an interplay between their mind programming and the dark power of the demons that possess them aid them in learning and mimicking your unique idiosyncrasies.
Since I was a child Familiar Spirits (and Monitoring Spirits) have been bothering me in my dreams and collecting data on my in the Spirit, even to this day I experience them and have to come against them each morning. So it's clear, to me, that they have been monitoring me for my whole life, I only see the evidence but don't necessarily understand the purpose fully.
you have been sharpened to precision by your worst enemies. And not just as a rebel without a cause: your birth and life and destiny were no accident; haven't you always had a strange, inexplicable, yet unmistakable sense of some great purpose, yet didn't know what it was?
just as they were sent by their false god to torment you, you were sent by a God, too, the One True God, the Creator of the Cosmos: you are a spiritual warrior sent by YHVH, and whether you perceived it or not, you've been intuitively fighting spiritual warfare ever since YHVH
removed the scales from your eyes and you realized that you were being Gangstalked.
You are harassed and surveilled day and night by initiates of secret societies and fraternal orders, such as Freemasons, Elks, Fraternal Order of Police, Shriners, Knights of Columbus, Ku-Klux-Klan, etc., and the sororal societies for females of their bloodlines, such as Daughters of the Eastern Star, and the spouses and children of the initiated. (You can see it kind of like, the "Body of Lucifer" battling against the "Body of Christ" we are, in fact, watching the counterfeit rise of the "lucifer-race", though all of them have adapted satan's psychosis so all of them are truly convinced that satan is going to win - the father of lies lies to himself the most, and believes his own lies, which is why he is so convincing to his minions, pure arrogance)
What's important to realize is that the Gang Stalking program is ancient. "MK Ultra" was "inspired by" The Egyptian Book of the Dead, written by Horus, son of Ra (Satan), outlines the ancient formula for an "undetectable mind-controlled slave", a "how-to" for Gang Stalkers. It is from this ancient Satanic Egyptian text that Freemasons derive their Gang Stalking methods, which they call the "Silent Dagger" or the "White Glove Treatment". It describes rituals that involve methods of torture, harassment, and intimidation to create trauma, the use of potions, and the casting of spells, ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the victim.
One ritual that would become the prototype for MKUltra's Project Monarch was called a rebirth ceremony, and involved a victim that was buried alive with a corpse and exhumed once the victim used up the limited oxygen. Upon exhumation, the victim was promptly "resurrected" (medically resuscitated). Also described is the method of sorcery by which a Satanic Gang Stalker (Freemason) is ritualistically possessed by a demon.
The sad part is now-a-days all they need is technology and uninformed consent to mind control most people, so it's not these gangstalkers are aware of how enslaved or bamboozled they are. In fact they are under heavier mind control than the TIs are, TIs seem to be the most resistant to the "broadcasting" mind control than the rest of the world, so we get personalized psyops against us.
It is all biblical, the very nature of reality is biblical.
Solomon, founder of Freemasonry, was corrupted by his foreign wives. His first wife was the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, through whom Solomon learned of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
TIs have ancient text at our disposal too, an ancient book that frees us Spiritually from The Program: the Bible. Believe it or not, the Holy Scriptures were written more with Targeted Individuals in mind than non-Targets, and the authors were Targeted Individuals, too.
(Sorry i accidentally deleted the main comment)