I'm going to share a collection of observations that I have accumulated over a long period of time of observing patterns and experiencing phenomena, piecing together what I have gathered. Mostly because I don't hear anyone really talk about these topics much, and I know I'm not the only TI this is happening to, though sometimes I wonder how common these experiences are for other TIs. I don't know how many types of technology are being tested on me/in me. Nor do I think that every TI is being attacked by the same technology, but more like there is a collection of tech being tested on us, and I think some people have slightly varying experiences based on whatever tech is involved. The internal tech is not necessary for them to attack you by the way, but it seems that most TIs have had specific nanotech tested on them.
if you have ever messed with those AI art generators, it becomes more and more clear that what happens to many TI's when they are asleep is AI generated, you can clearly see a pattern in the way this AI operates and how it constructs false realities based upon accumulated data, in my case and many others, from what I have gathered over the past 5 or so years of experiencing this strange phenomena, we get forced into AI simulations in our sleep, from my experience this is 100% of the time meant to disturb, terrorize, intimidate, extract information, and subliminally manipulate your perception, often involving army recruitment or things of that nature... and also to keep you from getting peaceful sleep and they do their best to prevent us from having Godly dreams by forcing these experiences on us during the times where we would otherwise have natural dreams. perhaps this is also to (attempt to) thwart God's people from receiving messages from Him in our dreams, though I will explain towards the end how this effort to thwart God's reach is ultimately and utterly futile. Some of this is speculative, but some of it has become more and more obvious to me, and I can only thank God for helping me piece these things together. It's only Him that has allowed me to see these patterns and only He who has graced me with His wisdom. Though I am nothing, and as Solomon told us, all is vanity.
it appears that there is a formula involved, what I mean is sometimes it's a combination of accumulated data that is being data-mined and harvested from our senses (what we see, hear, say and do) so that the experience has a pseudo-significance, or a psuedo-relevance to the target. It does this poorly, as advanced as the technology is, it will always appear artificial and the feeling it portrays is clearly demonic and synthetic rather than significant. some of the other themes i have noticed are similar to the gangstalking itself, being followed, stalked and harassed, by people, planes, drones, robots and also swarmed by zombies.
Whether this is part of the formula, or simply the data being harvested from us being gangstalked in the natural, I'm unsure. Perhaps both the theme is intact in combination with the theme that is being recorded from our senses in the natural. I have also noticed that they will do predictive programming in my dreams, what I mean is for instance, i will have a forced AI induced dream of a plane flying overhead spraying chemtrails on me, and the next day upon walking outside i become very ill as soon as i walk outside, just from breathing the air outside, and there will be a sprayed chemtrail overhead.
It's often, but not always synchronized with what they are planning and perpetrating in the natural. I think they make this overtly known to the target, so that when they do terrorize you in your dreams that the target will think that whatever happens to them in their dreams is going to come to fruition in the natural, but I have found this to be very RARELY true.
another recurring theme is having a large group of people, or zombie-like creatures, forcefully breaking into the house, it seems like the same pattern each time though the details seem to be variables that the AI generates based on a formula. this AI (or perhaps there is a combination of several types of AI with different functions) also harvests our emotional data, and I believe from experience that they record negative emotions and extract the frequency from them, they further use this data to create basically mini-sequences, or forced experiences, those mini-sequences are often used right before i fall asleep, it seems that the state that our brain is in when we are in between conscious and subconscious is most susceptible to certain types of attacks...
This Includes sleep paralysis, as it seems to happen in between states, which I have had on many occasions, it feels like i am pinned down and thankfully I have trained myself to shake myself out of it before the entity is able to induce a full paralysis. thankfully God makes me alert in those moments and somehow i have overtime been able to train myself to derail the attacks.
I believe that some particular internal technologies force a door open for demonic entities, in other words, its a window that has little or nothing to do with our walk, so in theory you could walk a perfectly Godly life and that window would still be forced open by a technological loophole, a portal that is artificially forced open, if you will. I have also experienced an entity that was made of blue electricity and controlled the entire environment, it shifted the entire atmosphere and began to literally shock and torture me in my dream, I feel pain in my dreams very vividly.
There is a clear connection to MK Ultra in this program.
Another time, I encountered a fallen angel which i can only describe as "a mechanical shiny Anubis made of black goo (graphene oxide), (look up "Black Anubis" to get an idea, but it was made entirely of liquid-like graphene oxide) there was a group of zombies swarming me, this entity moved it's hand upward, and all the zombies stopped moving instantly, he lowered his hand and all of them continued to swarm me as soon as his hand moved back, it was a fallen angel letting me know that he controlled all of these people through that technology. Ironically it was to scare me, it only gave me much insight
The AI harvests experiences and it replicates negative experiences that we go through and they create AI generated variants of those negative experiences, though it generally has the same premise of the original event (usually very short moments where we are startled, anxious, or fearful) and the generated experience recreates that same emotion, though more shocking and clearly synthetic, and artificially induced. ie: forced emotions that have no relevance to an unaltered pure reality.
You more-so feel it in your skin rather than you gut, generally speaking.
Though all of this is to no avail, God has used all of this to humble me and ironically we end up learning how to be content against all odds, it works to our benefit if you are walking with The One True God.
I have received messages from God in my dreams, and the reason I say this is maybe it will help you to discern if this has happened to you, I don't know how but I think they monitor our natural dreams somehow, because once when I received a message from Him in my dream, it was a person who handed me a piece of paper, and I started to read the words on the paper and some strange force begun to blur all the letters and I could no longer read them, yet the paper began to narrate itself, so their attempts to blur the message failed as the narration was clear.
The message was something of this nature, I don't remember the exact words but i do remember the meaning of the message. It spoke to me and said in so many very detailed and elaborate words "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" it was extremely elaborate and it was worded in a way that I doubt my brain could even come up with, It was worded in a way that was utterly convincing, it continued on to say (in so many words) "Do your best to avoid anything that doesn't benefit my walk (With God)" but it finished off by confirming, "But, whether or not you actually do this, your victory is certain (etched in stone)" victory it the only possible outcome.
It's clear the message was from God, because the nature of the message, especially considering some force blurred the text in attempts to keep me from reading it. I'm unsure if it's technology or entities, the line becomes blurry as it seems they both are connected.
I'm assuming though that in this case it's some sort of ancient evil that is operating.
Against all odds, we will be victorious. I have many problems in my walk and in my day to day life, many unwanted coping mechanisms that have been behaviorally modified out of me over a long period of time of funneled circumstances and persistent suffering and agony, I share this in humility, knowing that I'm not the only one, it's actually rational for this to happen from being tortured and having your entire life infiltrated in all directions, Do your best to be honest with Him about it and He will begin to provide to you circumstances and experiences that will overtime teach you how to overcome, sometimes its taking one step forward only to fall back the entire flight of stairs, but just get back up and keep moving, dust yourself off and remember who your God is:
Yahuah, the (literal) King of the Universe.
One thing I have learned, and this is very valuable to realize, is that suffering is not what is seems, it's natural to want to escape suffering and of course we will do our best just out of natural mechanisms, but without suffering we don't learn how to appreciate or be content with counting our blessings.
It's amazing how when things aren't "absolutely friggin horrible" that I'm pretty much totally content, it's not the presence of something but rather the absence. Be thankful for what you have, and even more so be thankful for what you don't have. This is how you overcome the relative experience.
As with Gideon and his army, Yahuah wanted to put on display His sovereignty by minimizing his numbers in battle, so that the odds would be impossible. This was so that God could prove to them without a shadow of a doubt that He is the God of the Impossible. This too is true for our lives, though we may be few in number, He will lead us to victory, though we may backslide, though we may have issues and struggles, as long as we do not go after pagan gods or after any false god (all being satan in different forms) as long as we do not bow down to the beast, He will lead us to victory against all odds.
You will notice a pattern in the scriptures, that even those who worshipped the One True God only had many problems with obedience, many problems with many things, even King David Himself had many sins to repent of, but he always repented of them and returned to Yahuah for forgiveness, which is why Yahuah said that King David was a man after His own heart.
Always acknowledge your shortcomings to Him and ask Him for help, thank Him for His forgiveness, thank Him for guidance. It's got to get so bad that people will have to seek Him, and we are blessed because we have gone through the refiner's fire sooner than later, this was all by His Design, and we are so very blessed it's truly beyond words. Yahuah is in control of literally every circumstance, event, and experience in our lives, He gives us an experience of evil so that we can realize how evil that evil can get, for many this is the way He will teach us how to realize that we do not want to be in accord with this world anymore, through adversity, He created the destroyer to destroy for this very reason, as a backdrop to display His divine love and His ability to turn all things to good, otherwise no one would ever realize the scriptures are even true, it has to come from experience and we have to literally be drug (as in, dragged) into Him, sometimes kicking and screaming, He will always reel us in to Him however is necessary. He is totally sovereign, the arrogance of the wicked ones (by design) keeps them from realizing that He is sovereign over all things, everything is essentially His paintbrush that orchestrates different degrees of contrast, so that we can truly understand what the knowledge of good and evil is, then we are finally capable of choosing the good, after the knowledge of such opposing forces becomes apparent to us through experience.
He is doing some awesome things, and He chose what is weak in this world to confound the strong, what is foolish in this world to confound the wise. What an awesome and just God we have, He calls things that were not as though they were.
The Rejected of this world are The Chosen of God.
The more He opens my eyes to the scriptures, the more awesome this experience ends up being, I have made peace with this story and whatever may come, let it come quickly. You have to know deep in your heart that He is the only one in control, of literally everything, otherwise He wouldn't be "God" but rather other forces would be "co-sovereign" with Him, which simply is impossible.
I'm frustrated with how distorted His truth has become because of the satanic hierarchical church system, what they have made of God's word is atrocious, the "hypocrisy of false expressions" as the Word tells us.
I want you all to take a step back and really realize that He is the only one sovereign, of course this has to be hard to detect with your senses, otherwise we wouldn't require faith, but once you separate yourself from doctrines and experience Him without those false constructs, it becomes clear that He is so much more awesome that the worldly church system teaches us.
Pain and suffering are hard to go through, but it’s not at all what it seems to be.
He has a purpose for it all and is in control of it all, He turns all things to good and without the contrast no one would ever realize, much less appreciate, what He will do with it.
You have to trust that He will make this all worthy of enduring, because it's true more than we will know until it all comes to fruition. It is only Him who transforms us, not our will, not our effort, but Him and the circumstances He lays out around us that compel us to change, fall back into His arms, He will catch you.
You have to trust His divine plan.
He is orchestrating all things for beautiful purposes, though it's hard to see at times it will always prove to be true.
Ephesians 1:11 (Concordant Literal) in Him in Whom our lot was cast also, being designated beforehand according to the purpose of the One Who is operating ALL in accord with the counsel of His will,
Ephesians 1:12 that we should be for the laud of His glory, who are pre-expectant in the Christ.
Ephesians 1:13 In Whom you also on hearing the word of truth, the evangel of your salvation in Whom on believing also, you are sealed with the holy spirit of promise
Ephesians 1:14 (which is an earnest of the enjoyment of our allotment, to the deliverance of that which has been procured) for the laud of His glory!
2 Kings 6:16 And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
For so very long, I’ve had the urge to share my experiences, when I was in the thick of it, there was no explanation! I was drugged out, crazy, no one listened, I was so alone! And I had walked away from Yahuah or so I thought! Since I’ve come back into His arms, it’s been speechless at times, supernatural at best, now I’m peaceful, still overly thinking, but peaceful, still very self critical, but for the most part still peaceful! Lately it’s the unbearable exhaustion, and mostly minor annoyances, a lot of frustration nation, but one realization I did just recently have was even if I was disobedient due to external influences before; I know now it’s because of my flesh, myself and my own flaws, fears and pressure! I get sick to my stomach if I try to casually step out on my own will in accordance to what I believe is His gentle persistence, it’s funny how I have no problem standing up or standing out when circumstances call for me to act! But when I think im ready to act on His prompting, I freeze and I am unable to move, I’m terrified, frozen or confused, concerned about something else, broken to pieces, I put myself back on the shelf! Dining with doubt, afraid to speak out… I need to reconnect to His will, His Ruach, give myself space… deeply reflect… find my way to pull thru, take that first baby step!!! Thank you for your courage!
Thank you I needed to hear this ..I'm targeted since 2019 I get voices 24/7 and it's always ugly things they say and skits they play out to disrupt my life but like you I've got in scripture and Christ carries me through my day to day he's king of kings and Lord of lords ❤️