Powerful listen in its entirety! 🕊️🕊️🕊️

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Is it persecuted 4 righteousness sake or Christ? I told truth shared whistle blower br kof early on incl the program guessed proven true plus contributed 2 research on harm in arm. now targeted w ceiling thumpers/ g stalkers/ survey van- which has now gone replaced w whole building. it feels like punishment......

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the world is controlled by the powers and principalities, rulers of darkness of this age, and spiritual wickedness in high places (all of which are controlled by Satan / Fallen Angels) if the world is attacking you in this way you Do Not Belong To This World. its a blessing but satan hates us for it so he tries to make us feel as cursed as possible.

John 18:36 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

We are sharing in Christ's sufferings.

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Rob, your faith increases mine. Thank you for your ministry.

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thanks for the encouragement, its hard out here. doing my best to plant seeds =) you guys certainly inspire me to keep going as well.

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You are definitely anointed Rob,, thank u for the prayers, and yes We were chosen for thesevtimes and awakened to bring others to Jesus. Tribulation is around the corner.

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Sep 9
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thank you for the kind words, i do my best to keep a momentum going. essentially what has worked for me is preaching the gospel/word to myself, when things get terrible and chaotic, you just have to use your own word to declare God's word over yourself, it's not always going to be easy, but it is the only way to renew our minds that are constantly trying to be hijacked by fear and suicide programming. trauma based mind control uses repetition through trauma, the breaks in between only allow for contrast so that the next trauma hits you ever harder.

So it's a matter of reprogramming the way you perceive reality and using God's promises as the template, it really is the only way. There are other methods of healing and frequency modulation that do seem to help, I used them for a good while, but nothing is more powerful than God's word.

To be honest I have no clue what I am doing, I just prayed for Abba to use me to help others going through this stuff.

I really appreciate you saying such nice things its very encouraging

I wish I could do more, but I am a very broken. traumatized and dysfunctional person. Thankfully, I think we are all going home very soon =)

Keep your faith intact, realize that all the signs of the times are present, it can't be a coincidence. everything in creation has no choice but to fulfill prophecy because the word animates our reality. God is sovereign over all and ultimately in control of everything.

God is truly sovereign even over the darkness. He uses it as a backdrop to display His love and His power, the contrast is what allows us to find Him to begin with, It gives us the ability to realize we need to choose Him over the fallen world.

Isaiah 45:7 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

What I'm getting at is, is there are way too many "coincidences" happening all at once, it's becoming more clear our redemption is near. So never lose faith, but know that even if you lose grip Abba will catch you, even if you get lost, He will never let you stray too far away from Him, He leaves the 99 sheep just to find the 1 who got lost... He knows you are His.

Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself, and He lives in you.

So just remind yourself of these things, the true gospel is perfect and it's always encouraging. The world has distorted it and given us a phony watered down version of it,

a huge part of that has to do with the greek word metanoia, being poorly translated as 'repentance'- which is a huge disservice and a theological tragedy.

just know it's not about your works or performance but about KNOWING that He did it all for you and praising Him for being such a loving Abba. He loves you, He's got you in His palm, Rest and Recline into His arms.

(jeez my replies end up being novels lol, i have a hard time condensing this stuff, but i'm called to plant seeds, Abba does the watering and provides the growth)

Matthew 11:28-30

28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

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This brought me tears and that’s a good thing. My body is cemented in trauma. That’s what it feels like: bones set in cement that hurt 95% of the time. My ministry has weakened. I’ve been so angry my entire, yes, entire, life (I remember feeling so alone and sad in the womb). I don’t mean to shame anyone in my family, even though in the world’s standards and my anger and disgust, it would be understandable that I do so (oh how long this took me! 48 years to be exact). I guess they call that grace. I’ll always want my mommy; I don’t shame myself for that anymore because it’s natural, not weak. I can’t have a healthy relationship with her. Most often there is none. I start spinning in my mind and heart. My mood is dark and my current family feels it. They don’t deserve that. The most powerful and redemptive thing I can do is raise and admonish my children in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and LOVE them. I hope they never feel lonely and they won’t when I’m around.

As a toddler my doll was my baby and received the very best care. I named him after my Irish twin brother (goodness how I miss my baby brother). I adore children and protect them with a vengeance- mine, yours, everyone’s and no one’s, especially the No One’s Child. I can’t see it and not speak. I can’t see it and not bawl. It really, really gets to me. When I’m powerless to do anything (a parent is legally allowed to scream and slap and shame their children) I get very upset.

It’s been increasingly hard to pray. I forget what I’m saying even though I’m concentrating. Your prayers are spot on and I thank you. You pray what I “forget to.” This induced brain fog is heavy. At least I can type now. My hands were too swollen and sore at the height of the morgellon’s attack. I pray Abba blesses you to overflowing.

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We are all such mirror reflections of one another, it feels like we are the only remaining collective empathy left on the earth, and because of it all of us are being "punished" by the collective psychosis. In a very real way, the body of Christ is being attacked by the "luciferrace" (which really seems like the body of Lucifer, which is a mockery/mimic of the body of Christ) as most people are unknowingly over taken by this ancient evil, through uninformed consent (satans favorite type of consent), and are being used as meatsuits for fallen angels, demons, and disembodied Nephilim through AI, and other variations of evil to do their bidding through their bodies. It really does make since though, because we are sharing in Christ's sufferings as the body of Christ, I really have to see it as a confirmation and not let it get the best of me, because He told us things would be this way, so I have to rejoice in spirit even when I am dragged down, worn out, and relatively useless in the physical. Abba never needed a thing from me, other than to realize I needed Him, when i finally realized it and fell to my face, that is when Metanoia began, that was literally the moment I was saved, when I realized and confessed to Him that I needed Him. It's really so simple. He loves you, keep looking up. Btw feel free to direct message me on substack anytime if you just wanna chat or have someone to talk to. Here for ya =)

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You’re a good person. Thank you. I’m seeing the unknowing take over some of those around me. Hateful behaviors are frequent and increasing. I’ve read about the above ingredients. I had to spend a lot of time with ones that chose the poker. I appreciate your novels very much. Helpful to me and others.

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Sep 10
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I appreciate the blanket more than I can express. Consequently, I adore fuzzy blankets! Safe hugs back at you 💚

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